Our ARS/Rescue Rooter team in Memphis hosted a Power Dinner for Girls Inc. of Memphis at Café Society on Tuesday, April 4th, and the theme was “Table Etiquette.” Table manners were not the only takeaway for the girls of Girls Inc. and the ladies from ARS; the fellowship at each table offered a two-way education on being “strong, smart and bold,” the focus of Girls Inc.’s mission.
Each ARS employee was paired with a Girls Inc. mentee, and when guests were not enjoying the elegant three course meal prepared by Chef Michelle, they were being educated on both table manners and the importance of Girls Inc. Since 1946, Girls Inc. of Memphis has been inspiring girls ages 6 to 18 to challenge themselves to be their best in preparation for a successful adulthood. Lisa Moore, President and CEO of Girls Inc. of Memphis, started the dinner by explaining who Girls Inc. is and why they are important in every community.
Girls Inc. actively combats issues that girls currently face. For example, one in four girls will not finish high school; 78% of girls are unhappy with their bodies by age 17; three in ten girls will become pregnant before the age of 20; and one in five girls will be victim of childhood sexual abuse. Girls Inc.’s programming empowers girls to rise above the statistics. Trained staff and volunteers build lasting, mentoring relationships in girls-only spaces that are physically and emotionally safe. It is at Girls Inc. where girls find a sisterhood of support with shared drive, mutual respect, and high expectations. Hands-on, research-based programs provide girls with the skills and knowledge to set goals, overcome obstacles, and improve academic performance.
The dinner at Café Society shined light on the outstanding accomplishments of Girls Inc. of Memphis, and it was through the eyes of two girls currently in the program. Mentees Mydison and Octavia both gave moving testimonials on their experiences with Girls Inc., solidifying the idea that the program works. Every mentee present was a shining example of the potential that every young woman has to be empowered to succeed. Communications Director of ARS, says, “Although my fellow coworkers and I were there to mentor and advise the young ladies from Girls Inc., they actually inspired us to be strong, smart and bold. They reminded us of the importance of empowering other women to succeed in their personal and professional lives.”
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