April 25th is National Hug a Plumber Day, but you might be wondering, why should you hug a plumber.
Throughout history, plumbers have been integral in getting safe drinking water to communities and establishing standards for sanitation, which has reduced the spread of disease and made the world healthier overall. Day-to-day, our plumbers in the ARS/Rescue Rooter™ Network rescue homeowners from plumbing problems and get their lives back to normal.
If you need more reasons to hug a plumber on April 25th (or any day, for that matter), here are some to consider:
Plumbers Do Your Dirty Work
Plumbers often do the things we don’t want to do ourselves and that most of us aren’t trained to do. They do the dirty work – from unclogging toilets the day after Thanksgiving to repairing busted water pipes after a hard freeze.
Plumbers Made Our Air Fresher and Cleaner
Before the invention of the s-trap, which put a bend in your toilet pipe to trap odors, pungent smells were free to exit back up the toilet and into your home. Also, before the installation of the first underground sanitation system in New York in 1728, the stench of outdoor waste disposal, especially in the crowded cities, was less than pleasant.
Plumbers Provided Access to Clean Water
Clean, accessible water is a luxury in many parts of the world. In the United States, the first drinking water treatment system was built in 1890 in Massachusetts. This set the standard for others to follow, improving the health of the nation and preventing the spread of disease.
Plumbers Have Provided Us Comfort
Most of us probably take our toilets for granted, but they sure are more comfortable and convenient than the alternatives. We can thank Queen Elizabeth for installing the first flushing toilet in England in 1596, which was invented by her godson, Sir John Harington. What did we ever do without it?
Plumbers Provided the Porta-potty
Porta-potties, also known as honey buckets or Port-a-Johns or Portaloos, were initially created for shipyard workers in Long Beach, California, to save them from going back and forth to the dock to use the restroom. Now what would we do without them at outdoor festivals?
Plumbers Are People Too
And most people just love a good hug. So go on, hug the special plumbers in your life. They’ll thank you for it.
Updated >>> On this special day, our local area plumbers were treated to breakfast, snacks and of course lots and lots of HUGS! Here are a few photos from our branches: http://bit.ly/1Wo8NLq
While ARS / RR Ft Myers celebrated a few days early during their service line meeting with a bagel and cream cheese breakfast, Tampa took their plumbers out to breakfast on April 25th.
ARS / RR of Maryland provided a hot breakfast with all the fixings and gave away keepsakes. “Each plumber was given a thank you card signed by the management team, HUGS drink, Hershey HUGS wrapped in a HUGGIES diaper. We also made a photo display of all the plumbers. They loved it! It was nice to see everyone engaged in this special day,” said Shelly Nislein, Branch HR Manager.
ARS / RR Houston treated their guys to breakfast tacos to kick off the day. Jimmy Ferguson, General Manager, said “It was a total success; we brought in breakfast tacos for the guys. They seemed to really appreciate the attention.” Rescue Rooter Dallas went above and beyond and even gave away prizes to their plumbers to show appreciation.
You can also read more fun facts about the history of plumbing and post pictures of how you're showing appreciation to plumbers on our Facebook page. #HugaPlumberDay