It’s getting to be that time of the year again! Temperatures will be dropping and it will be getting chilly. With that in mind, you will want to make sure to avoid these common heating mistakes to maintain and achieve maximum comfort and energy savings for your home.
- Dirty air filters- Filter replacement is easy and an inexpensive way to decrease any indoor air pollution you may have and could possibly save energy!
- Closing the vents in rooms that are not being used- This is a myth! All this will do is unevenly distribute the heat in the rest of your home. It imbalances your heating system and can cause your home to be less efficient in heating it.
- Don’t be mean to your thermostat- If you think that bumping up the temperature is going to make your home warmer faster, think again. A furnace heats your home at a consistent pace; therefore, bumping up the degrees on your thermostat will not do anything any quicker.
- Leaking windows- Your windows and doors are places that can have cracks and can allow cooler air to leak inside your home. This is also a relatively easy fix. You can caulk or seal those cracks and it will help keep the warmth in your home.
- Leaving the bathroom exhaust fan running- All this will do is take that nice warm air and pump it outside! It will not heat up your bathroom.
Be sure and look at this list so you can avoid any heating mistakes this fall and winter season. Call ARS®/Rescue Rooter® at 866-399-2885 today to schedule your furnace tune-up with one of our technicians.